I’m speaking on a webinar next month with Ed Poll and Kevin O’Keefe. I’ll have more details on that once everything is finalized. The topic of social networking and advertising came up, and it got me thinking. Social media isn’t advertising, per se, but it is migrating into an umbrella term for everything we

It happens. The rumor. The gossip. The office buzz. The phones start ringing. The emails start pinging. All hell breaks loose. SOMETHING is happening in your office. But no one is too sure yet what it is. But the BUZZ will take off and the less information people have, the worse the damage they can

I came across this article in a magazine I was reading, “The Power of Twitter: Still not sure what Twitter can do for your business? Read on,” by Joel Comm. First of all, I know … a MAGAZINE!! But that’s a different story. It was a great article with a focused audience …