I’m speaking on a webinar next month with Ed Poll and Kevin O’Keefe. I’ll have more details on that once everything is finalized. The topic of social networking and advertising came up, and it got me thinking. Social media isn’t advertising, per se, but it is migrating into an umbrella term for everything we
Mad Men, Lawyers and … Controlling Your Message
It happens. The rumor. The gossip. The office buzz. The phones start ringing. The emails start pinging. All hell breaks loose. SOMETHING is happening in your office. But no one is too sure yet what it is. But the BUZZ will take off and the less information people have, the worse the damage they can…
What Does Your Twitter Profile Say About You??
I’m taking a vacation day, waiting for the “early morning low clouds” to burn off before heading out to the pool, so what better time to catch up on my Twitter Followers and see, well, who should I follow??
I follow people whom I believe would be interested in my message: fellow legal marketers, lawyers,…
Just a few things that bother me …
No trash in my office trash can.
I’m serious. I got a memo from the office of the building and everything. Office trash cans are for recycles only. Trash (including paper plates, cups, napkins, orange rinds, gum, etc.) needs to be taken to the communal trash cans in the kitchen. And, it’s not just an…
What Innovative Things Are You Doing There?
Rule #1 – Don’t be an Asshole
Yeah, I said it without any fancy symbols to block the “offensiveness” of saying “it.” So, here, let me say it again, but louder: DON’T BE AN ASSHOLE. That’s my “rule #1” these days for bloggers, Tweeters, Facebookers, or anyone participating in social media and social networking. “What’s bringing on this little rant, Heather,”…
I’m getting rid of other people’s drama
I wrote here about where I find time to participate in social media and social networking.
By taking a Sharpie to my calendar, and deleting most of the programs taping on my DVR, I found the time to launch a blog, speak at some conferences, and participate on Facebook and Twitter to develop my personal…
What Happens in Vegas Stays on Facebook
For those in the know, and on my personal Facebook page, I’ve been in Vegas celebrating my birthday with some friends and family. The pictures were being posted to Facebook almost as fast as they were being taken … and yet, I am quite comfortable that if my boss, a client, a conference organizer or…
What’s your social media success story?
Still unsure about the “Power of Twitter”
I came across this article in a magazine I was reading, “The Power of Twitter: Still not sure what Twitter can do for your business? Read on,” by Joel Comm. First of all, I know … a MAGAZINE!! But that’s a different story. It was a great article with a focused audience ……