For those who follow me, you know I am not big on New Year’s resolutions. I prefer daily resolutions or intentions.

But this year, I’d like to introduce a new concept: Why not set aside everything you think you know?

Stay with me here.

I was in a meditation meeting on Friday, where we began by reciting a version of the “Set Aside Prayer.” My personal one is:

God, help me to set aside everything I think I know about you, me, these steps, and my recovery so that I may have an open mind and a new experience with all these things. Please help me to see the truth.

And it hit me for the first time in that moment that I could replace “these steps” and “my recovery” with anything: My relationship. My job. My career.

The clarity was immediate. The fog that had been swirling around me lifted. Energy and excitement about the possibilities flowed in.

On a coaching call this morning, I challenged the attorneys to set aside everything they think they know about their clients, their practice, and the services they provide for a new experience in all these things.

Later today, I will challenge my team to set aside everything they know about our sales and coaching program, our PR campaigns, our annual client survey, our annual signature client event … absolutely EVERYTHING we do for an open mind and a new experience in all these things.

By opening ourselves up to a new experience in all things, what fresh ideas will we uncover? What “tried and true” things will we retire? Is there a better, more efficient way to achieve the same goals? Will we look at the challenges and find possibilities?

I don’t know. But my intention is to begin this year with a new perspective, so:

God, help me to set aside everything I think I know about legal marketing, the legal industry, and my role at my firm for an open mind and a new experience in all these things. Please help me to see the truth.