Is it time to wake up to what Twitter has become?
Continue Reading Has Twitter become a “neighborhood with broken windows”?

a place where we can grab a cup of coffee and share in a little bit of industry chat |
Is it time to wake up to what Twitter has become?
Continue Reading Has Twitter become a “neighborhood with broken windows”?
We all attend professional conferences. Some are close-knit groups, such as the Legal Marketing Association’s Annual Conference; others will have 10s of thousands in attendance, and take over a whole city (ACC Annual Meeting, CES, NRF’s Big Show).
Sometimes we will know no one attending, other times hundreds due to our level of involvement in the organization.
No matter how many people you know or don’t know, speaker or not, first time attendee or not, you need to prepare to maximize the time you will be there, and out of the office.
I start to prepare for a conference approximately two weeks or so before my departure. When I say I do these things, I really do them, and I coach others to do so as well for one reason: They work.
Continue Reading Don’t be a lurker. 6 Things to Do BEFORE Attending a Conference
The LMA Technology Conference kicks off today in San Francisco, and I can’t be there. We have a big client event tomorrow night, and today is all about the final steps for preparation. What to do? What to do? Set my Tweetdeck columns, that’s what’s to do. Through the wonders of technology, and a hashtag,…
If you haven’t been on Twitter lately (Snort. Not even going there with you if you haven’t), you might not realize that they have made a few changes. Like many social networking sites, Twitter is becoming more and more graphically driven. Not necessarily your individual tweets, but your profile and how people see you on…
We had an interesting conversation at the LMA Annual Conference about attribution while live-Tweeting at a conference. Nancy Myrland very nicely captures the discussion in her post, Who Said That? How to Live Tweet a Conference.
To aid attendees at…
A colleague posted a link to Teenagers: Why You Should Care About Your Digital Footprint that I shared with my teen who just got her Facebook account, and the parents of other teens.
It’s good reading, and a good reminder, for us all.
The main lessons:
Clearing out my reader right now (which anyone who follows me on Twitter can tell from all the @reading posts I’m shooting out) when I came across this gem from the folks at Getting Things Done, David Allen’s company:
How’s your perspective, after a 3-day weekend? (Or did you have a 3-day weekend?)
Words count. Words have meaning. Words on Facebook, Twitter and in the comments section of online publiations are searchable, fully visible, and can define you.
My friend Jayne Navarre at the Virtual Marketing Officer recently wrote this post, Facebook and Politics: Do they mix? Yes, no, maybe? taking on politics on our personal social…
Jonathan Fitzgerrald, CMO, Greenberg Glusker (Bad for the Brand and so much more) and I sat down yesterday to discuss our upcoming Webinar Best of the Web for Professional Development. Of course, a Vente iced-coffee propelled us off topic now and again, and at one point we started ranting about legal marketers…