If you haven’t been on Twitter lately (Snort. Not even going there with you if you haven’t), you might not realize that they have made a few changes. Like many social networking sites, Twitter is becoming more and more graphically driven. Not necessarily your individual tweets, but your profile and how people see you on the different applications. I was on the main site today to add new followers, sort them into lists, etc. And this is what I saw: People. Followers. Don’t be an egg-head, or an empty box. Pick an avatar, and stick with it. When going through a stream on Twitter, or Tweetdeck, I will notice and connect with your avatar before your username. Change your avatar and you, as well as your message and value, might get lost in the stream of tweets. Same goes with your cover photo. Make it something personal that says something about you. Right now, I have the infield heroes from my childhood: Why does this matter? I am going through the new followers I have. As I don’t use a manual accept every follower, I have to decide whether or not to follow you. As I consider who I follow to be valuable, I read your profile description. What does it say? Are you in legal? Marketing? Why are you following me? If I know you, it’s easy. If I don’t, it’s a judgment call. Then I have to decide if I am going to add you to a list or not. Perhaps you make my close Top LMA Peeps, or you make the Legal Marketing folder. If you’re a law firm, I may or may not add you to that list. A lot of times your description, avatar, and cover photo will be the determiner. So pick a cover photo that speaks to who you are. It might be a picture of your city, or family, or dog. However, unless you are Doctor Who, it better not be a blue box. Ooooh, I might have to change my cover photo.