There’s a story breaking in Los Angeles. Our L.A. Rams might be coming home after wandering through the mid-west for the past 20-years.
And the Sports Dude is in there.
As background, the Sports Dude got really, really sick some years ago. It almost took his life, and it definitely impacted his career. He went from Sportscaster of the Year, to hospital patient barely able to make it back to Los Angeles for his life-saving surgeries.
But he’s back. He’s cured. He’s healthy. He reclaimed his life, including marrying his high school sweetheart, and he is claiming his spot in L.A. sports. And my Baby Boomer husband is using social media to pave his way.
We set up his blog, On Any Given Sports Day, several years ago so he could be a part of the conversation. Then his Twitter. And Facebook page. And YouTube channel. And LinkedIn accounts.
By doing so, he is able to be in the middle of any sports story, any where. Connect to people he needs to know, and where THEY are using social media.
Did you know he was the only reporter invited to cover Deacon Jones’ funeral outside the NFL channel?
And it is working.
It is opening the doors to the stadiums and arenas. He has his credentials to most games. He’s back in the press box. He’s freelancing for a couple outfits, and has his eyes on the big prize: The Los Angeles Rams.
He is in the middle of the Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams campaign. He’s active with the booster club, with their more than 25,000 Facebook Fans, and he’s building a sports fan base there.
When on the field covering one story, he makes sure to get video of iconic L.A. sports heroes talking about bringing the team home.
While at a school fundraiser last night the news broke that Rams owner “Silent Stan” Kroenke finally raise[d] his voice has purchased more than 60 acres of prime real estate next to The Fabulous Forum. Big enough to build a stadium. And, as they say: “If you build it, they will come.”
Sport Dude rushed us home, threw on the Clippers game, and fired up his laptop.
He stayed up late writing a story. Posted it to (owned by AEG, by the way), his blog, sent out Twitter links, and then got to sleep around 2:30 am.
He’s back awake, and following the story. He’ll spend the day tweeting, connecting, pushing and nudging the story.
And there’s the lesson: No matter what is going on, stop what you are doing and get in the middle of the story. The story will not wait for you, and the conversations definitely won’t either.
You don’t have to spend the day in front of your laptop doing it. Use your tablet or smart phone while waiting in line for coffee at Starbucks, or waiting for the elevator. But make sure to get your voice in there.
Blog, comment, connect, retweet, follow.
Blog, comment, connect, retweet, follow.
Social media allows all any one of us to jump in the story, and help drive it. All you have to do is:
Blog, comment, connect, retweet, follow.