The LMA Technology Conference kicks off today in San Francisco, and I can’t be there. We have a big client event tomorrow night, and today is all about the final steps for preparation. What to do? What to do? Set my Tweetdeck columns, that’s what’s to do. Through the wonders of technology, and a hashtag, #LMATech, I can listen in and really not miss too much. Here’s what my screen looks like on my second monitor today: As you can see, I’m following two separate hashtags, one for legal marketing in general (#LMAMkt) and the other for the conference (#LMATech). The other two columns are lists of people. The top LMA folks I follow, and then a larger group of people and companies within the legal marketing space. By following the hashtags today, I will stay on top of the current trends and what’s happening in those two areas of interest today; and by following the people, I will learn a little bit more about them outside of our common interest. The hashtags will also allow me to identify people to add to my lists to increase my network. Come on, didn’t you want to know what Adrian Dayton wore for Halloween?