For those who attended the Legal Marketing Association‘s annual conference in Orlando last week, it was an incredible few days of education, networking and camaraderie. Perhaps it was the location, or maybe there is truly a sense of “recovery” from the recession, but the mood was light, up beat, ENERGETIC. Many of us took to our Twitter accounts to document our experiences. You can still read those here. And then there were the LMA Bloggers. Here’s a quick recap of our posts to date.
The Legal Watercooler – Heather Morse
- What time does the 3 o’clock parade start?
- We’re all creative people … even the lawyers
- The Excellence of Disney and the Law
- Make a Splash When You Enter New Waters
- Take a Time Out
- Make Your General Counsel Look Good
- Getting in the News
- Four Rules for Success
- It’s Show Time at LMA

Bad for the Brand, Jonathan Fitzgarrald

Duets Blog, Laura Gutierrez
The Hubbard Perspective, Hubbard One
- Celebrating 25 Years of Legal Marketing Magic at LMA Annual
- Breaking the Brochureware Approach at LMA 2011
- Using CRM and ERM to Drive Client-Focused Initiatives from LMA 2011
- LMA 2011 – What’s Next for Legal Marketing

LawMarketing Blog, Larry Bodine
- GCs Describe How to Win Their Business – Or Lose It
- Your Honor Awards
- Do Law Firm Marketing Like It’s 1979
- 1,000 attendees at LMA
Legal PR Advice, Cheryl Bame
- The Power of a Referral
- Personal Branding is Public Relations
- Disney’s Approach to Business Excellence

The Matte Pad, Tom Matte
- Observations on my First LMA Conference from a Sponsorship POV
- Third Party Validation is Always Nice

Myrland Marketing, Nancy Myrland
- We Must Never Lose Site of One Thing. It All Began With a Mouse. #LMA11
- Legal marketing: What to Do Now? #LMA11
- The Top 10 Things You Can Do to Get Social at #LMA11
- Are You Comfortable Meeting People at Conferences? LMA11

Progressive Marketing Blog, Russell Lawson
- General Counsel Panel Says Lawyers “Spectacularly Bad”
- Your Honor Awards: Winning!
- Asking a Question? Bring An Answer.
- Invest in Laterals When They Arrive
- Jordon Furlong on Building the Perfect Beast
- Leadership Roles Are Made Not Found
- Can The Law Firm Business Model Survive?
- Bringing Value to the Client Relationship
- Building the Perfect Beast
- LMA 25: Destination Disney

Real Lawyers Have Blogs, Kevin O’Keefe

Zen & The Art of Legal Networks, Lindsay Griffiths
- The Path to World Class – Exploring the Attributes that Distinguish Top-tier Legal Marketing and Business Development Teams
- Some Advice to New Marketers on Attending Conferences
- Using Client Feedback to Create Truly Meaningful Client Experiences and Deliver Greater Value
- Effectively Leveraging Social Media as a Business Development & Marketing Tool – An LMA Recap
- Disney’s Approach to Business Excellence – An LMA Recap
- How I love Twitter, Let me Count the Ways
- Lawyers – We Are Still Missing the Boat with Clients