Is it time to wake up to what Twitter has become?
Continue Reading Has Twitter become a “neighborhood with broken windows”?
Don’t be a lurker. 6 Things to Do BEFORE Attending a Conference
We all attend professional conferences. Some are close-knit groups, such as the Legal Marketing Association’s Annual Conference; others will have 10s of thousands in attendance, and take over a whole city (ACC Annual Meeting, CES, NRF’s Big Show).
Sometimes we will know no one attending, other times hundreds due to our level of involvement in the organization.
No matter how many people you know or don’t know, speaker or not, first time attendee or not, you need to prepare to maximize the time you will be there, and out of the office.
I start to prepare for a conference approximately two weeks or so before my departure. When I say I do these things, I really do them, and I coach others to do so as well for one reason: They work.
Continue Reading Don’t be a lurker. 6 Things to Do BEFORE Attending a Conference
3 reasons lawyers should “post” to LinkedIn
LinkedIn recently rolled out their new “publishing” feature. It’s pretty interesting, and definitely something to explore. It is not designed to take the place of blogging, but can be a great middle-ground for those not quite ready to launch a blog, but have something to say, or those trying to expand their reach. For lawyers…
Three great take aways from today’s GC Panel at LMA-LA
Kudos to the Legal Marketing Association – Los Angeles Chapter program team on today’s Corporate Counsel Panel. I have to say, I always love me a GC panel. Sure we hear the same ol’ same ol’, but there are always a few new nuggets of information in there. Corporate Counsel…
Which came first? The content or the promotion, or is it the engagement?
I’m lucky to know some really cool and smart people out “there.” These really cool and smart people have individual thoughts and opinions, sometimes contrary to what the other really smart and cool people think, believe, and hold dear. I like hanging out…
You really are not that special, and neither am I
Oh, I’ve been seeing people posting on Facebook and elsewhere how special they are. Seems LinkedIn sent them a notice that they are in the top 5% or 1% of profiles viewed. Yeah, yeah. Bla, bla. Me too. So what?
Am I better than 99% of you because I’m in the top 1% of LinkedIn…
No More Excuses. Learn This S*** Already
Jonathan Fitzgerrald, CMO, Greenberg Glusker (Bad for the Brand and so much more) and I sat down yesterday to discuss our upcoming Webinar Best of the Web for Professional Development. Of course, a Vente iced-coffee propelled us off topic now and again, and at one point we started ranting about legal marketers…
SPAM-tistics of Social Media: Do not be afraid
I read this morning that 40% of all social media accounts are held by spammers.
Cue ominous music … or Monty Python skits.
Humor aside, what is the average Facebook or Pinterest user supposed to do with this information?
First of all. let’s put the statistic into perspective. According to Symantec, in 1990 90%…
Get a fricken website already
I just checked my calendar and, yup, it really is 2012.
Other than the earth coming to an end later this year, it’s about fricken time you got a website.
There just aren’t any good excuses out there.
Yeah, I’m talking to you solo and small firms out there.
And this is especially true for those of you who represent consumers – family law, divorces, child custody, employment matters, trusts & estates. I’d add personal injury, DUI and immigration to the list, but those folks are marketing machines.
Seriously. If you Google yourself or your firm, what do you find? If the answer is NOTHING, than you are LOSING business every day, and you don’t even know it.
Case in point:Continue Reading Get a fricken website already
Don’t let a touch point pass you by
Legal marketers will throw the phrase “touch point” around and while we understand what it means and why they are important. I wonder about the lawyers out there? Touch points are those little or big interactions you have with clients, potential clients, referral sources, etc. Depending on the relationship, and the legal marketer speaking, it…