When conducting a social media training I always ask the audience to Google their name and if they don’t like the results we can do something about it. It’s always an eye-opener.

Gina Rubel posted this week about online impersonation via your headshot. Apparently, disreputable companies will grab your image online and utilize it when

I just checked my calendar and, yup, it really is 2012.

Other than the earth coming to an end later this year, it’s about fricken time you got a website.

There just aren’t any good excuses out there.

Yeah, I’m talking to you solo and small firms out there.

And this is especially true for those of you who represent consumers – family law, divorces, child custody, employment matters, trusts & estates. I’d add personal injury, DUI and immigration to the list, but those folks are marketing machines.

Seriously. If you Google yourself or your firm, what do you find? If the answer is NOTHING, than you are LOSING business every day, and you don’t even know it.

Case in point:Continue Reading Get a fricken website already

Our friends over at The Lawyerist have a great post today courtesy of Allison Shields7 Simple Online Mistakes Lawyers Make.

  1. Using an AOL, Hotmail or Yahoo! Email address (a domain name will cost you $10 per year. Make the investment.)
  2. Not Writing for Real People (drop the legalese lawyers …