Heidi Klum’s tag on her long-running show is “In fashion, one day you are in, the next you are out.” For those of us who blog on and about the legal industry and practice of law, the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100 is the list to make. For the third year running my blog, The Legal
Hold that press release: Are you proofing for defamation?
Well. It’s been a little busy this pre-holiday season as my department is deep in holiday cards, holiday gifts, budgets, business plans, oh my. But this little diddy of a headline caught my eye in today’s Los Angeles Daily Journal (our local legal rag) and I didn’t want to just add it to my “someday” pile for future blog posts:
Defendants sue law firm over ‘defamatory’ release
I don’t even have to quote the article for you to get the gist.
Continue Reading Hold that press release: Are you proofing for defamation?
M(erger) – Minus 21 Days: My mind is racing
M(erger) – Minus 21 Days: My mind is racing…
Continue Reading M(erger) – Minus 21 Days: My mind is racing
M(erger)-minus 27 days: Have you seen my normal?
(M)erger-minus 27 days: Have you seen my normal? #lmamkt …
Continue Reading M(erger)-minus 27 days: Have you seen my normal?
M(erger)-minus 28 days: What now?
A heather by any other name
Let’s not shoot the (strategically thinking) messenger
A way too short, but link-bait worthy titled article, is making its way into the conversation of legal marketers this week about law firms and strategic planning.
In fact, I am certain that Rita McGrath‘s article in the HBR Blog Network, Creative Destruction Visits the Legal Profession, is sure to be a…
Why do some people stay, and some people leave?
Keynote speaker James Kane is here to talk about loyalty. Why do some people stay, and some people leave? But we’re loving his slide deck – it’s all about getting to know him. You can fan him here on Facebook.
Our brains were going crazy during his presentation because we were finding something similar to…
What’s in your in-box?
I don’t know what’s lurking in your e-mail in-box, but, if it’s anything like mine, it’s not an e-mail from a real person. And, if there is one in there, it’s hard to find between the spam, newsletters, weekly LinkedIn group updates, etc. I keep sending more and more of my blogs and news subscriptions…
Can someone PLEASE get Kate Middleton an In-n-Out burger?
This post has nothing to do with legal marketing. It has to do with me being a mom, which is part of the holistic person, according to my Twitter profile, that I am: “Legal Marketer. Mom. Girl Scout Leader. Wife to the…