Keynote speaker James Kane is here to talk about loyalty. Why do some people stay, and some people leave? But we’re loving his slide deck – it’s all about getting to know him. You can fan him here on Facebook.
Our brains were going crazy during his presentation because we were finding something similar to ourselves in him. We were finding something we liked in him.
Relationships fall into four categories:
- Antagonistic – I HATE you. I will write, Tweet and share how much I hate you. We have such a need to be social and a part of, that when
- Transactional – You do something for me, I pay you for it, we’re square. I don’t owe you anything. We think we should be getting love for what we do, but we’re just fulfilling a contract
- Predisposed – I like you, but I don’t love you. I’m not expecting anything until the game changes and then I need to make a change.
- Loyal – The strongest relationship. It’s about forgiveness when we make mistakes. It’s about advocacy.
Loyalty is not a brand. It’s not about rewards programs. You cannot bribe someone to love you.
Loyalty is not about stisfaction. Dogs are loyal. Cats are satisfied.
Relationships with our clients is satisfaction. They are transactional. We do something, they pay us, and they are satisfied. They owe us NOTHING.
Satisfaction is a mood.
Loyalty is a behavior.
Satisfaction is the past. What you did for me yesterday.
Loyalty is about the future. What I will do for you tomorrow.
Human beings live in social communities. We learn from one another.
If we’re going to live in communities, I need to know I can trust you.
The process that builds love within the brain, builds loyalty.
Stages of love:
- Attraction– romantic, can be familiarity. Attraction is contextual – what we know or what we aspire to be. We desire the familiar.
- In our world this is called marketing. Get them to notice our firm.
- Our job is to define/figure out what “attractive” means for our clients
- Passion – Once we make the choice, the two parties define their interests and are willing to overlook everything else the person does to get their end result. We made a choice and we need to defend it. This is the flower, candy and love notes stage.
- Pair-bonding – This is when the passion might be waining, and wondering why the attraction is not what it used to be. This is where loyalty kicks in. Do you make my life easier? Do you make my life better?
The challenge for us all is: “Do we make their life better?”
Our clients have an abundance of choices. Are they choosing us because they’ve always chosen us? Are they forgetting about the value you have provided in the past? Are they looking for someone else, today, who can provide the value you once provided and still can?
People don’t want a lot of choice, they just want to have control over making that choice.
We walk into every relationship with the expectation of trust. You can then lose trust.
We think we should get great credit for meeting expectations.
Trust is about managing expectations.
We want to feel a part of a bigger community. We want to feel that we have impact. We want to feel that we can change the world. We just don’t have the capacity.
When we can bring a sense of purpose to our firms, and thereby our clients, because we can do nothing without our clients. Don’t take credit for charitable activities. Give the credit to your clinets.
Recognition – Do you know who I am? Do I know the partners in my firm, or just their bios? Why should they feel a sense of loyalty to ME, as their marketer, if I don’t know who they are?
Do you know your clients? Are you taking notes about their needs and want? Use social media to get to know who these clients are? Receptionists should know who is walking in the door. Know something about them. Converse with them with that acknowledgement in mind.
Insight – Next challenge is to be insightful. You need to look beyond the obvious.
Most of us are not looking to save money, we’re looking to MAKE money.
You need to take a step into the back of the room and look around and figure out what is going on. Get that 10,000 ft view of what’s going on with your clients and their challenges.
Proactivity – Having insight takes practice. Being proactive is doing something before someone asks. Doing it when someone asks is just courtesy. Anticipate something I didn’t know I needed, and solve the problem before I knew I had it, and you become invaluable.
Inclusion – Solve my problem, but I need to be part of the process.
WWIC – Why Wasn’t I Consulted?
If you need to roll out a new marketing plan, you need to include others in the process. If not, it’s your plan and they can hate it. Hard to hate something that you helped prepare.
Identity – Do I feel that I know who you are? And do I recognize something in me in you?
You can do this by the things you place in your office, or on your website bio, or through your Facebook page or Twitter feed.
Definitely one of the best presentations I’ve ever seen. Guess I’ll have to go and buy the book.