Don’t Spam Conversations, Elevate the Content
A couple years ago I started a Facebook group for Legal Marketers Extraordinaire (LME). The group is “secret,” per Facebook’s definition, but open to all legal marketers. However you need to be invited in (leave a message in the comments below if you need an invite).
We’re a mixed bunch: in-house legal marketers, outside consultants,…
I broke out of legal marketing, and it feels GREAT!!

I broke out of my legal marketing industry bubble this week and have been attending the Chief Marketing Officer Institute in Vegas. For fun and comfort, I dragged along Adam Stock and Jonathan Fitzgarrald.
The CMO Institute has been a small and intimate, yet high-level and well-crafted event.…
Making the most of your conference attendance
As I make the rounds of speaking to my partners about their 2013 plans the topic of “What conferences and industry events are you looking at attending?” will definitely be a key point of conversation. Once I get their list, I’ll follow up with, “Have you attended this event in the past?” And then, “Can…
The First Rule of Legal Marketing
TRUST. If you ask me, the first rule of our profession is trust.
Without trust we cannot do much in our firms. Without trust we cannot learn and share with one another. Without trust we cannot mentor, or be mentored, by the incredible leaders of our profession, who are still around. Which says a lot…
Everything is bigger in Texas, including LMA!
What do the Ewings, Top Chef and the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) all have in common?? DALLAS!!! Woo hoo. I just booked my flights for the LMA Annual Conference to be held in Dallas (ok, Grapevine), Texas, March 15-16, 2012. I’m looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues, along with the programming and…
Be careful who you friend – as they can report you to the (state) bar
Oh, those kids over at the Florida Bar Association are kicking it up again.
My friend (and guest blogger) Gail Lamarche just posted this link over on the Legal Marketing Association‘s member listserv, The Florida Bar Guidelines for Networking Sites (updated as of January 10, 2012).
Before we all start to panic, go…
“God welcomed his newest angel at 4:35 a.m.”
God welcomed his newest angel at 4:35 a.m. He couldn’t have given me a better mother. I will miss her dearly.
That’s the message Nancy posted publicly on…
New Year’s Resolution #2: Learn how this social media thingie works
I saw a great headline the other day: Dear Congress, It’s No Longer OK To Not Know How The Internet Works.
I remember fondly the days when we were all tickled pink by our elected officials’ struggle to understand how the internet works. Whether it was George W. Bush referring to “the internets” or
“Where do I start?”
I spoke today for the Pasadena Bar Association Technology Section.
Before the program began, I took the time to speak to several people to get a better idea of who was in the room and their level of social media usage.
It was a diverse crowd. We had an attorney in the room who was…