Kudos to Jonathan Fitzgarrald and the Legal Marketing Association-Los Angeles Chapter for putting on a great program: Marketing the Law Firm From the Perspective of a Retailer, featuring Barry Feinberg (a former big-law lawyer himself). In my opinion, these are the best programs and provide the most value to me. While it’s great to
Law Firm Rainmakers: The New Untouchables
I don’t know why this isn’t intuitive, but, if you bring in new business to a law firm, or you are identified as having the ability to bring in new business, your job will be, for the most part, safe in this economy.
The Wall Street Journal Law Blog discusses this in Do Law Firm …
Kanye’s Apology … Cooler Style
On the Legal Marketing Association’s* listserv, LMA Connect, today a comment was posted on what we in the legal marketing industry could learn from Kanye West’s apology on The Jay Leno Show last night for ruining Taylor Swift’s moment at the MTV Video Music Awards.
As LMA Connect is a closed listserv I…
In the Driver’s Seat
I left Big (trying to be Mega-) law several years ago for a much smaller (75 attorneys) boutique. I’ve never been happier.
Personally, I find the Big Law model to be broken. Year after year, I would see rates go up, and partners hit a wall with what their clients would pay. Good partners, with…
Keep it Simple, Relevant and Repeat
What would a conference in DC be like without a political speaker or two? Now, imagine if those speakers did not share on politics, but on what we love … communications.
James Carville and Mary Matalin hit a home run with the Legal Marketing Association’s audience last Thursday with their keynote address: “Changing How You …
Look, Ma, I’m on YouTube
Overall impressions of LMA’s Annual Conference
This year I had a choice: To LMA or not??
For the first time since 1998, I am not on an LMA Committee, local board, or the International Board of Directors. My program (which was AWESOME, by the way) was rejected by the conference committee, so I was flexible on whether to attend the LMA…
Tweetchat and being ubiquitous in a virtual world #LMA, #techshow
Here Comes the ACC Value Index
I attended the Legal Marketing Association – Los Angeles Chapter lunch today, featuring Susan Hackett from the Association of Corporate Counsel.
As many of you know, for the past couple year’s ACC has been working on a Value Challenge for the legal community.
Ms. Hackett commented that while this is a client-driven initiative, law…
“Marketing Me” with a Plan and a Purpose
Taking time each day to market one’s self is a passion of mine. Its roots come from the worst piece of advice I ever got.
When I was in my 20s I worked as a lobbyist and grassroots organizer for a non-profit organization. I was doing a great job and was passionate about my…