Yes, I wanted to go to the Legal Marketing Conference. And, yes, I would have loved to go to the ABA Techshow, too. Instead, I’m at work at my computer alternating between two rooms (#LMA and #techshow) on Tweetchat and commenting where I can. It does makes me feel better in a virtual world to be participatory. Listening is good, too. But if you don’t use Twitter, you won’t have a clue.
Remember the Cluetrain Manifesto: Markets are conversations. Conversations on Twitter are soundbites – or rather, writebites at 140 characters or less.
This morning at the LMA conference, James Carville, the king of soundbites, was the keynote speaker. Here’s a taste of what my colleagues twittered:
heathermilligan Relevance of the message to the people. Less you say, the more you hear. #lmaabout 1 hour ago from Twittelator
nancymyrland #LMA James Carville: Find out what you can say that others can’t. What can we market that our competitors can’t?
heathermilligan Carville can live life, raise kids, on a sound bite. “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” a whole religions was built on that. #LMA about 1 hour ago from Twittelator
LindsayGriffith Then, once you find that, keep driving that point home – Carville #LMA about 1 hour ago from TwitterFon
michaelzukewich RT @SonnyCohen: Carville is a natural born Tweeter. I’m counting 48 one liners all under 140 char. Consistent w/his message of simplify #LMA
What are we learning here? Tell a story, be clear, and repeat…Repetition, repetition, reputation. The medium is still the message.
Meanwhile, at the ABA Techshow on Tweetchat:
kevinokeefe Legal profession makes trending topics on Twitter with #techshow http://twitpic.com/2pwbg9 minutes ago from TweetDeck
matthomann RT @jordan_law21 “#techshow now at #4 on Trending Topics. Let’s get to #1 before this session ends!”11 minutes ago from Twittelator
jordan_law21 #techshow Someone asked a question by raising their hand and speaking. Old school.29 minutes ago from web
What are we learning here? Constant innovation is the key to relevancy.
You can reach me @SusanLWard