No Duh
Can’t We All Just Get Along??
Interesting blog posting by Jason Mendelson, “Why Start-Up Lawyers Frustrate Me.” It is a must read on your next coffee-break.
I found it from the article, VC Slams Attorneys on Salaries and Overlawyering which includes direct quotes from Jason and others in the Valley.
What really stuck out for me was this:
He said
Discount on the 72nd Floor
For those of us who have ever put together a billing chart for a pitch letter or RFP response, were you really surprised by the Fees and Pricing Benchmark Report: Law Firms & Legal Services Industry 2008 report released by
The Greatest American Lawyer (gotta love the name … perfect for a new…
Ya Think!?
File this one under the “no duh” column. Lawyers are introverts.
Lawyers ranked sixth overall on a list of the 200 best jobs for introverts, just behind the loner braniacs who work as computer software engineers and accountants.
Larry Richard, a consultant for Hildebrandt International, isn’t surprised by Shutkin’s findings. Richard specializes