We (attorneys and legal marketers) are so ready to pounce and make the kill. Bring in that new client, new matter, or new case. Yes! We won the beauty contest. We got picked over Skadden. They like us, they really, really like us.
But it’s not really about us. It’s about the client. I loved Cheryl Bame’s comment to my post yesterday:
It’s about being a trusted and respected advisor with the skills and knowledge to get the job done. … It’s about excellent client service and remembering the other golden rule: The customer or client is always right.
I know this. It’s about the client. It’s about relationships. It’s about investing time and effort. It’s about providing a valuable service. And, I am as guilty as the next in forgetting it.
As a legal marketer, it’s about my attorneys. How do I make them look good? How do I help them become “known, liked and trusted” in their profession? How do I make their jobs easier today?
So, for today I’m bringing it back home (emphasis mine):
“Numerous surveys and studies tell us that clients hire lawyers (not law firms) and they hire lawyers they know, like and trust. Well, there it is! Marketing legal services is all about being known, liked and trusted by people in the position to hire or refer you. But relationships don’t happen by accident. They must be grown and cultivated over time.”John Remsen, The Remsen Group