This Friday, June 18, 2010, I’ll be joined by Renée Barrett, Jay Pinkert and Ed Poll at the Los Angeles County Bar Association‘s 3rd Annual Small Firm & Solo Practitioner Conference where we’ll present on:
What Happens in Vegas Stays of Facebook
Strategies – and lessons learned – to help you
develop and build your social media footprint
We have an aggressive agenda and will cover topics including:
- From E-Mail to the Social Media Highway
- The Tools
- A Balancing Act (your social media portfolio)
- 360° of Me (how much do you share??)
- Best Practices & Success Stories
- Pitfalls
- Ethics
- Promoting Your Blog
- Directories
- Time Management
- Conversion (Turning conversations into clients)
We hope to see you there, if not, you can follow the Twitter conversation at #solocon.