I had a lot of fun the other day covering Kevin O’Keefe‘s “Blogging for Business Development” on Twitter (hashtag #LBGR).

Why do I do it?

  1. It’s like taking notes. I’ll remember the content better, and pay better attention, if I’m Tweeting the content.
  2. It broadens my exposure.
  3. It increases my followers in my targeted markets.
  4. People appreciate it.

I’ve  now done this for several conference, and never thought to put together a “best practices” list. Good thing Adrian Dayton did. Here are his five great tips:

  1. Use the hash tag.
  2. Bring your laptop.
  3. Make connections before the conference.
  4. Share the good stuff.
  5. Don’t worry about tweeting the name and title of each speaker with each quote.

You’re going to have to pop over to the article, How to Cover a Conference Using Twitter, to get the great details for each point.

I would like to add a few more of my own:

  1. Get approval from the conference organizers to get access to the ballroom Internet access passwords. Most conferences lock this down, and it can be difficult to gain access to the codes at the last minute.
  2. Introduce yourself to the speaker before hand and let them know you are Tweeting the program. This removes any doubt as to why you are tapping away at your laptop or on your iPhone during their program. In addition, I have found that most speakers will, at some time during their presentation, reference you to the room.
  3. Add a Twitterfall to your blog! I have one for LMA 2010 Conference in my sidebar, but if you’re going to be away from your blog for a few days, think about adding it as a main entry.

Happy Tweeting.

(image via www.geeky-gadgets.com)