Oh, those crazy kids over at Law Firm Satire are at it again. This time, an homage to Ken Burns inviting you to the LMA-Bay Area Technology Conference.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5dNNorxL-w]
Law Firm Satire
Don’t steal content. Attribute.
By Heather Morse on
Social media is about being social. It’s about conversations. It’s about contributing to conversations that are taking place, and sharing them with others.
You don’t have to create original content to blog, you can just add a little message to someone else’s content and move along.
Sorta like I did yesterday with my post “Before…
Before You Best or Super Lawyer, Watch This!
By Heather Morse on
Posted in business development, business of law
Oh, this is law firm satire at its best, but oh, so true.
If you’re a lawyer, before you go after your law firm marketing director for not getting you into Best Lawyers or Super Lawyers, you’d better watch this.
And, if you’re a law firm marketing director, grab a cup of coffee and