Well, they listened. Last week I encouraged LMA members to not leave their passion behind, and so far, they haven’t disappointed. To quote Danny Zuko: “It’s electrifyin’!” The conference is packed. We’re at about 1200 registrants. The venue is beautiful, and the layout is conducive to getting to the sessions, networking. We even have some fresh daylight. The coffee sucks, but a Starbucks is about to open any moment. From the Twitter feed, the pre-conference sessions went well. The First Timers reception was packed. They turned the lights off to get us to leave the opening reception. I’m seeing sweaty people from Darryl Cross‘ workout walking around. People can’t wait to hear Prof. David Wilkins, Director, Program on the Legal Profession, Harvard Law School. I am so torn between the four sessions at the first break out. Great topics and great friends speaking. It really is electrifyin’! and the conference officially hasn’t even begun. Lucky for us, what happens in Vegas won’t be staying in Vegas. If you’re not here, follow along on Twitter. Oh, and registration is already open for the 2014 conference. I’ll be there!