Shakespeare’s Juliet famously asks,

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.” Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

Heather Morse's Twitter Avatar
For those of us who remember our high school literature class, Juliet is referencing Romeo’s last name. She’s letting him know that it is not the name that is of importance, but the person. For some reason, it’s socially and professionally acceptable for a woman to change her name when she gets married, but it’s not okay to change it back.
The "real" Heather Morse
I have been told that I “can’t” change my name. I’ve been Heather Milligan for too long. That’s what everyone in the legal marketing circles knows me by. Call me daring, call me stupid, call me rebel, but, I’m going to go ahead and change my name. It’s what’s right for me. You might not have even noticed, but I already began the change. More than a year ago I inserted my family name, Morse,  back into my signature line. I’ve used it at conferences, and I am ready to fully integrate it back into my life.

Change is hard. But it is inevitable. And sometimes all you can do is accept, because you have no control over it. Yesterday I changed my Twitter name to @heather_morse. If you’re already following me there, you don’t have to do a thing. The avatar is the same, only the name has changed. By January I hope the the conversion of e-mail, etc, will be complete and as seamless as possible.

It’s now official, and it’s easy to remember. It’s Morse, as in code.

Not Morris, as in the cat.