When it comes to microblogging a common “complaint” is “why would anyone care what I am eating?”

We don’t care what you’re eating … we care about what you’re thinking.

A lot of what I’m thinking about is what I’m reading today. A lot of what I read comes to me via my Google Reader. Or I blog about it. And I try to share a lot of this on Twitter, but not everything.

So, to aid you in knowing what I’m thinking, I have added my Google Reader Shared Items to The Legal Watercooler.

In the right tool bar, scroll down and you will now see “What I’m Reading“:

Click on the “View All” and you will have a feed of the most recent blog posts I have read and decided to share. You can subscribe to my Reader feed, add it to your Reader … or just bookmark and browse whenever you’re bored.

You can share too!

I have also added an “Add This” widget to both the sidebar, and to each individual post to make it easy for you to share The Legal Watercooler posts that you enjoy.

If social media is truly about how we discover, receive and disseminate information, then I believe it is all together best for me to be as transparent in regards to what I’m reading and thinking.

But I’m also interested in knowing what you are reading and thinking. If you’d like to share your Reader Feed with me and your fellow Coolerites, please add a link to the comments section.