Kevin O’Keefe has a great post today, Seize the moment lawyers, that I recommend everyone thinking about a blog read — lawyer or not!

Lawyers are not alone in allowing their fears, or their lack of understanding of something new, stand in the way of them taking action. However, now is not the time to allow fear and ignorance hold you back. Now is the time to seize the moment.

Nancy Myrland summed it up perfectly in the comments section:

Don’t let fear paralyze your growth. How will you feel a few years down the road when asked what you did to weather the economy; to maintain and grow your practices and your firms? Will you be slightly embarrassed when you answer that you cut staff, cut marketing, cut participation in the community, reduced your ability to have discussions with current and potential clients, on and on and on? Or will you feel great because you took advantage of the silence being created by that group I just mentioned? Will you be able to hold your head high, knowing you took advantage of this time to focus on communicating and marketing like never before?