Warning: Shameless Self-Promotion Alert

This Thursday I will be participating on an ABAnet Webinar, Online Social Networking Gets Professional: The Pitfalls vs. the Rewards.

There will be a live Twitter feed available at #LPMsm

Program Description:

There is an enormous amount of buzz today about the myriad uses of online social networking and social media: to provide more efficient and effective client representation and communication; to reach new clients and reporters; and to network and collaborate with colleagues. Most lawyers, however, do not understand how to use these new tools effectively. This teleconference and webcast will review the various tools available online and how to use them effectively.

This teleconference and integrated visual webcast will cover the following topics and more:

  • The social networking and media tools available online, and their differences
  • The potential ethical pitfalls and how to avoid them
  • How to identify the best tools to meet your practice, marketing and networking objectives
  • How to use the online tools effectively, including how to sift through the “noise”
  • How to keep your networking social, yet maintain professionalism

This program will use the Internet to deliver live program content, including slides and audience polling. The program is delivered via Microsoft Live Meeting, which most computers support. In order to access the interactive components, participants’ computers must be connected to the Internet. Links to test your system and install the Live Meeting plug-in will be provided. The optimum way to participate in the program is as a webcast. You should consider the audio-only teleconference only if you cannot be at your computer.


Aviva Cuyler (Moderator), Founder, JD Supra, LLC, Marshall, CA

David Barrett, Hulien & Barrett, LLC, Boston, MA

Steve Matthews, Founder and Principal, Stem Legal Web Enterprises, Mission, British Columbia, Canada

Heather M. Milligan, Director of Marketing, Barger & Wolen LLP, Los Angeles, CA