In the comments section of yesterday’s post, Law Firm Rainmakers: The New Untouchables, Toby Brown wrote: I recall seeing numerous articles in the last downturn about how the lawyer personality is opposite of what you need for sales. I don’t have a current reference to one of these articles, but the basic theme was:
Law Firm Rainmakers: The New Untouchables
By Heather Morse on
Posted in Uncategorized
I don’t know why this isn’t intuitive, but, if you bring in new business to a law firm, or you are identified as having the ability to bring in new business, your job will be, for the most part, safe in this economy.
The Wall Street Journal Law Blog discusses this in Do Law Firm …
Well, with LSAT results like this, what did you expect?
By Heather Morse on
Posted in Uncategorized
There are a lot of different barometers out there for judging whether or not an individual has the personality skills to be a rainmaker. Unfortunately, LSAT results might not be amongst them.
According to a chart prepared by the Tax Prof Blog, the best “candidate” for law school, the person with the highest LSAT…
Change ourselves from the inside out
By Heather Morse on
Posted in Uncategorized