Those were the words that became the mantra of Paul Tagliabue, former commissioner of the National Football League. He now serves as senior counsel at Covington and Burling, but he recently addressed a large audience at the 20th Annual GC Conference. His message? Get used to, and comfortable with, the changes coming to the profession.

We’ve all had them. That moment when you said the wrong thing, wore the wrong thing, got drunk at the wrong time, and now, you are no longer seen as a colleague by the attorneys, but as “staff,” or, in my case, a “honey” or a “chick.”

There’s a great article on professionals (primarily women)

Law firms can be challenging places to work. Lots of highly intelligent, highly compensated people running around. So what’s the challenge you find most daunting? For me, it’s convincing partners (usually equity partners) to change how they manage their client relationships. And that begins with picking up the phone to arrange a client visit. I