Vic in Serta. Photo credit Debbie Marcinkowski My morning meditation was overtaken today by thoughts of my friend Vic Anderson. Vic has been very ill for a while, but the end is near and I do believe that his energy is increasing as he prepares to say goodbye. And while I am not “that” kind of crunchy, granola kind of gal, I do believe that we are all connected by an energy, and that energy is overwhelming me today. What I am also very sensitive to are the other pockets of energy where I am connected to others. Over on the #LMA15 threads I am a member of I am seeing that same spirit and energy connecting us in conversations and experiences. The chatter, which is just an indication of our attachment to one another, continues. A part of me wanted to exit those threads this morning. I initially saw them as an interruption, as noise, when it was really energy. In the true spirit of Vic, who would never kill a fly, and was known to release crickets into neighborhoods, who am I to remove myself from a circle of energy? My dear friend Nanea Reeves, wife to Vic, wrote a poignant post this morning, Work/Life Balance and What That Means When Things Fall Apart. I’ve known Nanea and Vic since Nanea was a struggling actress and artist, and Vic was the big cheese on the movie sets in charge of transportation. I was there when they bought their home that they are now remodeling. And Nanea lead the revolt of my bridesmaids when I chose a blue velvet dress for them to wear, and Nanea was having none of it. Nanea is now a tech exec, and Vic formed a charity to change the world one kitchen, orphanage, and school at a time. For the past month or two there have been chants around the world for Vic. When you are in the middle of an energy like that, and truly present, it is impossible to not see how the universe brings us together. A partner just stopped me in the hall and mentioned I looked sad. I explained that my friend is going to die very soon. He offered to tell me a joke, so we walked into his office. The joke did not lift my spirits, but the furniture and art did. They were all Chinese, which ties back to Vic’s love and passion for Tibet. Today, there are no coincidences. Please join me, and just take a moment to offer Vic up in light and love; and enter this circle of energy with us. [vimeo 122946255 w=500 h=281]