Some pictures just say it all, and Matt Homann nailed it with this one:
As I am listening to Deb McMurray review her study, 2012-2013 AM Law 100 Websites Foundational Best Practices Survey, gotta say, some things just never change. When I am going over a bio review with my partners I tell them to read the bio from your clients’ viewpoint, and answer this series of questions:
Do you represent companies like mine? With business issues like mine? And do you have the solutions I am seeking?
If you cannot answer these simple questions, then your bio is crap to the reader. They are not there to figure out if you are a Super Lawyer, but if you can solve the problem that is keeping them up at night. If you cannot answer these simple questions, don’t worry about SEO, navigation, or any other concerns a web consultant is concerned about. It doesn’t matter if the content isn’t there and relevant to the visitor. So, once again: 1. Do you represent companies like mine? 2. Do you handle BUSINESS problems like mine? 3. Can you SOLVE business problems like mine? HT to Jeff Yerkey/Right Hat because he is sitting next to me and asked me to say hi.