LMA’s Annual Conference is off and running.

Our current President, Alycia Sutor, has asked “So what?” and then challenged us with “What if?”

So what we work for people who are the but of jokes?

But what if we could influence change?

What if we can make them better lawyers, and better people?

What if our center of influence in the legal field can influence that change?

What if we don’t settle on being the authority of legal marketing, but that we can be much more than our jobs and community?

What if we take our experience within our community and take it out into the world? Our experience loving the unloved, managing budgets, accomplishing the impossible with less than 24-hours notice has to be of importance to our communities?

To me, the answer to this and all questions is Tim Corcoran.


PS – What if we all had a sense of humor?