I read somewhere that what you wanted to be when you were 10-years old is your true passion. As adults I think we forget this. As lawyers, I think it is abandoned.

One of the partners at (my firm) Barger & Wolen, Michael Rosenfield, is living his passion this Saturday night on VH1’s Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp. Check Michael out beginning at the 4:00 minute mark, and don’t forget to set your DVRs.


All “plugging my partner” aside, by incorporating your passions into your life, you 1) are a happier person; 2) have something more interesting to talk about; and, 3) are exposed to a whole new group of people you might never meet. People who might actually need the services you provide.

The commonality of our passions can bring us together and bond us … or they’re just a great excuse to get out of the office and have fun. Either way, it’s a win-win.

So, ask yourself, “What’s my passion? And, am I living it?”