I have a lot to be grateful and thankful for this year. In addition to the usual friends and family, I have to go ‘Cooler style and thank the following people who have been so instrumental in my legal marketing career:
- Frank Moon and Jeffer Mangels for providing me with my first experience in legal marketing back in 1998. Ahhh. Fun times!!
- Stephen Barrett who has been nothing but the most incredible friend and mentor over the years. He taught me, through example, about true leadership.
- Laura Shovlowsky, Cheryl Bame, Cynthia Kaiser, Jonathan Fitzgarrald, and Renee Barrett for their leadership and support of LMA-Los Angeles. There are hundreds who make our chapter flourish, year after year, but you’re the ones who continue to stand out for me.
- Nathalie Daum, Diane Hamlin, Kim Perret and Nat Slavin – I served on the LMA board under their past, present and future presidencies.
- Susan L. Ward who sent me my first LinkedIn invite three years ago (which I promptly deleted). So glad it only took me four months to realize that this LinkedIn thingie might actually mean something.
- Kevin O’Keefe, Nancy Myrland, Greg Lambert, Russell Thomas … you were my first Tweeps back in the day when we were all trying to figure out what Twitter, social networking, social media, and how they applied to the legal industry, were all about. I’m still learning from you guys, and am so glad to have built personal relationships with you all.
And last, but really first, always – Jayne Navarre. She encouraged me one morning to start a blog. The Legal Watercooler was up and running by the end of that day. She continues to encourage, inspire and teach me!
Have a wonderful, healthy and happy Thanksgiving.