My daughter asked me a math question the other night. I replied, “I haven’t had to take a math class since Algebra II.”
Okay, that’s kinda a lie. I had to take stats in college to graduate, and was really happy to get through that class with a C.
But, needless to say, I don’t do math. And I certainly do not do accounting (yet).

Scrolling through my e-mails and blog feeds this morning and came across A Call to Arms: I by Adam Smith, Esq.:
I fear that most of you may be unaware that Congress is considering a proposal that would have, I believe, have tremendously negative consequences for Law Land, without any scintilla of a principled justification or countervailing benefit other than a cheap shot one-time hit of revenue heroin.
Continue Reading Why YOU need to care about Congress’ push for accrual based accounting for law firms