Well, the time is here. It is now. Today is it … well, actually tomorrow. But the switch is being flicked sometime between when I hit send on this post later today, and midnight (CT). As a whole, the mood in the firm and amongst those I’ve spoken with is great. It’s exciting. New things are coming. Sure, new is scary for some … but it’s still exciting, and everyone is focusing on looking forward, and not holding on to the past. The best part of doing this is that we’re not doing it alone. We’re all going into it together. I will admit, I am a bit teary-eyed and nostalgic. I have worked at Barger & Wolen longer than I have ever worked anywhere else before now: seven years; which is a gazillion in legal marketing years. I will be tossing collateral out this week, and dumping old files. I will take those proposals off the shelf and archive them for future reference, including the ones I had just received to redo the website (we were in the midst of finalizing the design contracts and action plan when the preliminary meetings on whether or not to begin the merger conversation began). So while I am excited for some of the new things that will hit my desk tomorrow, I am going to be gentle on myself as I start to let some of the other things go. Here’s what’s on tap for today:
- Staying a bit late to drop the something-somethings off on everyone’s desk.
- Checking those email addresses. Of course, mine is wrong (better mine then an attorney).
- Looks like it’s cake day. Happy birthday all you September people.
- I am stopping everything right now and filling out my new payroll info. Getting paid is a priority.
- Oh, crap. How’d that fall through the cracks??
- Party at 4:00 to honor our past and celebrate our future.
- Get Marty his letters for signature and mailing (Update: Yeah. Didn’t happen. Tomorrow is another day).
Tip: Commemorate the past, but embrace the future.