It’s Friday. Yeah!! I love Fridays. But considering my work/personal life has become just one long continuum, not sure what Fridays get me, other then getting to wear jeans to work. And, yes, I did confirm that the new firm wears jeans on Fridays.
One of the reasons I started this blog, and became very involved in social media, is that I moved from an AmLaw 50 firm to a small boutique. I went from a marketing department of about 50 to a marketing department of 1.25. The trade off of losing a team was worth it. I’ve been working 9-5 most nights and able to be a full and active participant in my kids’ lives, be active in their Girl Scouts (yeah, I’ll be selling stuff soon), LMA leadership, and so much more.
But after a couple phone calls today, I have to say what I am most excited about in the move is that I will be part of a marketing and business development team again.
So what’s on tap today? I’m fighting a cold and I cannot afford to get sick, so I’m working from home.
- Great chat with the content marketer. Nice to have peeps out there who get my passion for this.
- Walked through how the diversity statistics are formed, and the programs within the firm.
- We’re starting to integrate the bios. Need to figure out the procedure on how to update and make changes moving forward.
Tip: Ask questions about process and procedure. Don’t assume a thing, as that will create confusion, and, in worst case scenarios, ill feelings.
Tip: Get off the email and call.